

& Gain LIFETIME access to

Self-Love & Empowerment Coaching with Sara


Two 1:1 Self-Love Coaching Sessions!



Reclaim Your Power is an online platform providing instant access to a comprehensive library of on-demand self-love workshops designed to help you reclaim your personal power. Every two weeks, we host a live self-love coaching workshop on a specific topic, where you can participate in real-time, ask questions, and engage with the content directly. If you can’t join live, no worries—recorded workshops are available anytime in our portal for you to watch at your convenience!

All workshops are led by coach Sara, and this program is designed to provide you with essential tools, expert guidance, and unwavering support on your journey to reclaiming your power & embodying more self love.

Reclaim Your Power gives you online access to hours of self-love coaching content, accessible whenever you need it.

It's time to reclaim your personal power and cultivate a deeper self-love like never before.

Ready to rise up to your elevated standard of the woman you are choosing to become?

Ready to walk down the street like it's your run way?

Ready to sky rocket your self worth & unapologetically and boldly take up space in this world?

Working with Sara these last few months has been life changing for me. She has the ability to take you into the depths of your mind and find those areas you chose to ignore. She then walks you into your soul and unlocks the true version of yourself. Sara shows you who you are underneath the layers of emotions and thoughts. The path to see yourself is bumpy and emotional but when you finally embrace you for you, the true you, its liberating. Sara helped me to see that I can easily heal myself from past trauma. Thank you from the bottom of my soul for doing what you do. You are so knowledgeable and you know exactly what tactic to use depending on how our conversations go. This is why you are here and you should be immensely proud of yourself. You have and will continue to empower women wherever you go.“

Gemma UK

I'm sure you've heard..

The way to long lasting self worth is affirmations, gratitude, affirmations and positive thinking, right?


The world has shown us to love ourselves in a way that helps provide momentary relief, but it does nothing to heal the deep wounds that lie below the surface, &.. it's causing more harm than good.

According to 2022 statistics, 85% of women do not feel attractive, and 70% of girls do not consider themselves good enough compared to others.

If we carry on trying to love ourselves the way our society tells us too, we will continue to fall into these devastating statistics and we will feel more disconnected from ourselves than ever before.

All the things you've tried in the past to 'love yourself' haven't worked, and now you're here probably wondering..

How on earth do i just love myself the way everyone keeps telling me to?

Feeling frustrated and not even knowing where to even start

Angel, I'm here to tell you - It's not your fault.

You just haven't been given the right roadmap.

Low self esteem is learnt, you weren't born with it.

You were taught to turn against yourself because you didn't know any better..

& contrary to popular belief...

Loving yourself isn't removing everything you dislike about yourself..

In fact- its the exact opposite.

Loving yourself is understanding why you felt you needed to turn against yourself in the first place, realising you no longer need to, and then lovingly and unapolagetically being guided by the woman you are choosing to become.


Does this sound familiar?

You abandon your boundaries with people because you fear letting them down

You look in the mirror & can't help but criticize yourself & put yourself down

People pleasing has become so natural to you, its become a deep part of your identity

If someone treats you in a manor you don't like, you brush it off and pretend it doesn't really bother you, so that you don't have to face conflict

If someone ignores you or doesn't respond right away, you immediately become anxious & think to yourself, "does that person not like me anymore?" "did I do something wrong?"

Every time you have the urge to speak your truth, you shy away and fade into the background to avoid the conflict or rejection that you fear will come

Your standards with men are questionable

Your relationships are mainly attachments you hold on to through fear, as appose to healthy, safe and aligned relationships

Your boundaries are nowhere to be seen

You compare yourself to other women, & you may feel intimated , inferior, or jealous of them

You compare the worst of yourself, to the best of someone else

Powerlessness has become normal for you

Shrinking and hiding yourself feels safe for you

Dismissing your needs has become comfortable for you

Your nervous system is constantly on fight or flight

Your mind has become your enemy

And stepping into the most empowered version of you seems so far out of reach, you may even feel like its unattainable?

My love... I've been there... (literally, I struggled with crippling low self esteem so much so that I couldn't even look at myself in mirrors for over four years)

& I am giving you what I wish was available for me - because I know, that you are not supposed to be living YOUR life this way.

If low confidence and unworthiness has become your normal, you are disconnected from yourself, your power, and your truth..

&, you don't need to be.

You just need the right tools, strategies & knowledge that actually creates realistic, sustainable and lasting self worth.

The Side Effects of joining Reclaim Your Power


And an in depth understanding of who you are, what you want, need, desire and deserve.


Discover the false identities you created to stay safe in an unsafe and hostile world. Discover the woman you are choosing to become instead of being held back by the woman you felt you had to be


Start to create your life where low self worth is replaced by a deep sense of personal empowerment, where you start to live your life in alignment with your values, your truth, and your hearts deepest desires


We don't believe in the single recipe of woo woo affirmations to love yourself, thats to fluffy, shallow and basic! Instead you will learn actual tools to integrate and embody self worth that is not based on what is going on in your life right now, external circumstances or people.


Say goodbye to relationships that you hold on to through fear, that are fuelled by attachments, a deep fear of abandonment, and rejection, and say HELLO to aligned, safe and healthy relationships, where the one with yourself is the most important


and is replaced with empowered and elevated standards, improved communication skills and loving boundaries that actually draw the right people closer to you


As you learn how to feel safe in your own body again and build internal self trust as you confidently, and boldly give yourself permission to take up space in this world.


as you finally learn to stop running from yourself, and you decide once and for all, that you are never going to leave or abandon yourself again.

How Group Coaching Works



Invest in the one time fee and receive an email with your login details to the Reclaim Your Power online portal



Within minutes, you'll gain immediate access to the Reclaim Your Power online portal, where you can start exploring and enjoying the content. You can binge-watch workshops at your own pace, choosing the ones that resonate most with you and your journey.

If there's a workshop you can't see that you feel will be useful for you, you can simply 'request a topic', and Sara will record a workshop around that topic so that you, and the other women in the program can benefit from it!



Be sure to join our bi weekly scheduled LIVE coaching calls hosted by Sara on Zoom! If you can't join us live, not to worry! All coaching workshops will be recorded live but then uploaded into the portal to watch at your own convenience. This means that you get access to all and upcoming workshops that are recorded by Sara

Receive the tools, coaching and support you need to realign, re anchor & re connect you back to your truth, and your power.


Go from feeling, not good enough, shame, insecure, self doubt, negative and overly self critical, to feeling confident, empowered, esteemed, & worthy, no matter your age, what you've been though, what your body looks like, or whats going on in your life right now.

Your self love journey is a sacred journey unique to you..

&.. It starts here

"I am starting to feel strong again and signing up with Sara was the best thing I ever done for myself in the last 20 years. I thought I can cope by myself, but the truth is I just couldn’t. I would highly recommend Sara to anyone, she is worth it. I can’t thank her enough for everything she has done and still doing for me"


Imagine this..

✨ You find yourself looking in the mirror and instead of focusing on the flaws in your reflection, you adjust your crown and smile because you are aware of your worth

✨ You think of a goal you really want to accomplish and you become your own biggest hype girl as you actually start to confidently make steps towards it

✨ You feel disrespected by someone and instead of shying away through fear of confrontation, you take a deep breath, adjust your crown and speak your truth from a place of vulnerability, strength and authenticity

✨ You know longer put everyones needs before your own, and instead you not only recognise your own needs, but you know how to honour them, and confidently ask others to, too

✨ if someone rejects you, you don't see it as a reflection of your worth, but instead a redirection towards whats really meant for you

✨ You know longer live with a 'lack' mindset, but instead.. you approach life, obstacles and challenges with abundance, positivity and resilience

✨ You are secure in your identity, not only do you you know who you are underneath the titles of 'mum, colleague, wife, or daughter', but you accept who you are, embrace who you are, and love who you are and the uniqueness YOU bring to this world

✨ Your life is a beautiful reflection of the love you embody towards yourself and others

✨ You finally gave yourself permission to follow your own unique life path, even if you though you felt fear, and others judged you or didn't understand it

Are you ready to make your imagination become your realty?

Self love is the key that opens the door to feeling free, happy, and empowered, whilst living an intentional, conscious and purposeful life on your terms.

& I believe in my heart, that this is the birthright for every woman, including you.

"I cannot recommend Sara enough, She has given me the skills and empowered me to gain a greater insight into myself which will help me moving forward. She is an amazing woman, a superb guide, professional, kind, nurturing, encouraging, compassionate, non-judgemental, supportive …… the list goes on! If you’ve got yourself this far, don’t hesitate, reach out to Sara, you won’t regret it. As well as our hourly talks each week, she goes above and beyond, her voice notes are so inspirational and epic! I will always be so grateful for meeting her and how she has help me, my only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner. My story is evolving, and I look forward to the next chapters which I couldn’t have done without Sara. My thanks always”

Corinne Uk

Here's what's included in

Reclaim Your Power?




You will get instant access to the Reclaim Your Power online portal. You can immediately begin exploring and watching the workshops that resonate the most with you. Workshops will be added into the portal bi weekly and you will get access lifetime access to all workshops added into the program



You get two 1:1 Self Love Calls with Sara where you get expert coaching. During this transformative coaching call, we will dive deep into the essence of self-love and personal empowerment. We’ll explore how to reconnect with your true self, build unshakable confidence, and cultivate a mindset that supports your highest potential.. You’ll walk away with personalized strategies to elevate your self-worth, and step boldly into the empowered version of yourself that you’ve always known you could be. These sessions are designed to reignite your inner power and guide you toward living a life filled with self-love, confidence, and authenticity.

"I would recommend Empowered Woman a thousand times to everyone as a self healing journey starts with you and with the right tools”


Just SOME of what you will learn..

How to maintain a healthy level of self worth even on your worst days

Strategies to shift your inner dialogue from disempowered, negative and critical, to empowered, abundant and positive

How to accept the parts of you that you don't actually love (Self love doesn't mean we are striving for perfection!)

Emotional mastery by understanding emotional regulation and self soothing techniques, so you can stop over relying on others to 'fix, or validate' you

How to set boundaries including the three stage process and templates you can actually use and implement instantly

How to transform your beliefs to one's that serve you and enhance the way you feel about yourself and the world around you

Sara will give you the tools, strategies, support, mentoring and accountability to excel in there four critical areas


Helping you to identify the emotional patterns you've become addicted to, and then transforming that pattern to reach greater resilience and emotional intelligence


Guiding you to understand the science behind change and how to take advantage of that to overcome limiting beliefs and create lasting empowering beliefs


Supporting you to identify behaviours keeping you stuck and inspiring you to take new actions to reach their next level of personal success


Shifting you into a space where you can find the inner strength and peace to navigate difficult times in order to expect and create miracles in your life

Will this coaching group work for me?

This coaching group will be the perfect fit for you if you fall into one of these categories below

Mild Low Self-Esteem

"Occasional Self-Doubt"


You generally function well in daily life but experience periodic bouts of self-doubt.

You feel competent and confident in some areas but insecure in others.

You may avoid certain challenges or opportunities due to fear of failure or criticism.

You occasionally compare yourself unfavorably to others, leading to temporary dips in self-worth.

Common Behaviours:

Hesitant to speak up in your life when you want to

You overthink decisions and seek reassurance from others.

You experience feelings of inadequacy but can recover with positive feedback or achievements.

You seek validation through social media or external sources or people.

Moderate Low Self-Esteem

"Chronic Insecurity"


You frequently experience feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness.

You struggles with self-criticism and negative self-talk.

You avoid taking risks or pursuing goals due to fear of failure.

You often feels inferior to peers, compare yourself to others and don't feel comfortable in who you are

Common Behaviours:

You withdraw from social situations and avoid eye contact with others.

You frequently apologise and downplay your needs, wants, and achievements.

You are reluctant to take on new challenges, move from your comfort zone.

You have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships due to trust issues and need for constant reassurance..

Severe Low Self-Esteem

"Debilitating Low Self-Worth"


Profound and pervasive sense of worthlessness.

You are severely critical of yourself in all aspects of life, often feeling like a failure.

Daily life is significantly impacted by negative self-perception.

You may experience symptoms of depression and anxiety linked to self-esteem issues.

Common Behaviours:

You avoid almost all social interactions and opportunities for fear of rejection or judgment.

You exhibits self-sabotaging behaviours, such as procrastination or neglecting self-care.

You struggles with persistent feelings of hopelessness and despair.

You are reluctant to seek help or share feelings due to belief that nothing will improve.

Are you ready to go through life WITHOUT questioning your worth- no matter what happens?

✖️ No more needing validation from other people or social media to feel good about yourself

✖️ No more believing you have to earn love from others in order to truly love yourself

✖️ No more loosing yourself in the midst of trying to prioritise every bodies needs before your own

✖️ No more believing that you are not good enough, for him, for her, for that job or that dream life



✨You feel like you have an endless to-do list of what you think you need to do in order to finally love and accept yourself - but you just don't know HOW or even WHERE to start

✨You are feeling lost in life, struggling. with low self esteem and you are tired of living life this way, - and you are ready to take your power back once and for all

✨You lack boundaries and it shows, you are known as the 'fixer' by others and low confidence has got you trapped in a cycle of people pleasing

✨You've brought self help books, tried affirmations and positive thinking, & none of it has worked

✨You justify red flags through fear of abandonment, and you are constantly attracting unhealthy people into your life and in your relationships, and now you want to rediscover who you are, elevate your standards, and finally find your voice

“You are incredible honestly Ive never felt what empowerment feels like until I started working with you, your guidance has helped me fully trust myself and change my beliefs as well as finding my own energy again and its beautiful, thank you so much”

Gabriella Uk

Hey Beautiful!

Incase we haven't met yet, I'm Sara..

& I'm so glad you've stopped by!

Founder of the Empowered Woman Association, Qualified Self Worth Coach, & Life Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Licensed Hypnotherapist, and Inner Child Healing Practitioner and I am here to inspire, guide you, and encourage you.

to remember your magic, your power, and your truth

You see, I was once you.. in fact - I suffered so bad with low self worth that looking in mirrors or any kind of reflection would bring me to tears. All I could focus on were the flaws in my reflection and for so long, it affected every area of my life.

For so long in my life I felt sad, lost, insecure, and overwhelmed with my constant negative self sabotaging thoughts and feelings that were constantly controlling the show..

I was cheated on in relationships, emotionally abused by multiple people, surrounded by toxicity and the worst thing, I didn't know how to break free and love myself the way everyone kept telling me too.

Fast forward 15 years, I have invested thousands into my own personal growth, attended personal development seminars and been trained by World Class Coaches such as Tony Robins & Dean Graziozi, I've appeared in multiple newspaper articles and on multiple Radio shows advocating for women empowerment, I've hosted my own self love events and even taken myself to the Portuguese Mountains to do intense healing work with plant medicine, and.. what i've truly realised, is..

Self worth is your birthright. Theres no if's, no but's, no external conditions, there is nothing you have to do, and no one you have to be, in order to be good enough.


Regardless of what you've done, the mistakes you've made, what you look like, or how you feel.. You simply get to feel worthy. Imperfections and flaws included, just because you are born.

Sound to cheesy and cliche? ... Thats because self worth is unfamiliar for you.

& thats ok, but... You were not born to suffer and live your life turning against yourself.

You were born worthy.,It's society and socialisation that has convinced you otherwise.

&, I believe in my heart that self- love is the antidote to living your life on purpose, and with heart centred intention, so that you can show up in the world as the most confident and empowered version of you - so that your life , becomes a beautiful mirror, and reflection of how you feel about yourself, of the love you give yourself and put out into the world.

With the current low self esteem statistics being so dangerously high in women, it is my mission & purpose - to contribute to the evolution of self worth amongst women who are ready to take back their power once and for all.

I want you to embody true self love and self acceptance, i want you to experience the freedom, the liberation, the opportunities, the peace, the joy, the people, the experiences - That loving yourself will bring you,..


Because I believe, the world needs more women who love and accept themselves.

Its quite simply, that simple.

You just have to be willing to take that next step..

If you are, I lovingly invite you to join our empowered woman world and join us inside Reclaim Your Power

Your future self will thank you for it

See you on the other side..

“I cannot express enough gratitude for the transformative journey I've experienced with Sara as my life coach. When I first reached out, I felt lost in my own thoughts, and unable to see the way out I so desperately craved due to past traumas/experiences and the confines of my own muddled brain! Finding the right person for me to be vulnerable and open with was essential. I consider myself incredibly lucky to have found Sara, whom I have grown to trust implicitly. Sara is not just a life coach; she is a beacon of compassion, relatability, and unwavering support. What she has done for me has surpassed my wildest expectations when I set out on this journey. Her ability to tailor sessions and respond to my unique needs, even switching things up on the spot to ensure I received exactly what I needed, sets her apart. What truly distinguishes Sara and something I really didn't anticipate is her commitment to providing ongoing support. Always going over and above to understand me and find ways to support me through messages, emails and insightful voice notes. She became an invaluable source of encouragement at moments that I really needed it. Once I got the hang of it, these became a lifeline between our sessions. Sara didn't stop there; she equipped me with resources and meaningful homework to ensure continuous growth and presence even between our scheduled meetings. Sara went above and beyond the call of duty, and my only regret is that our sessions are coming to an end. I wholeheartedly recommend Sara to anyone seeking self-improvement and personal growth. She has helped to unlock my creativity and work through negative thoughts, providing me with knowledge and tools to help me as I continue my journey. She is a shining example of incredible support on the journey of personal development, and I cannot thank her enough for the profound impact she has had on my life, so far.”

Donna UK

Here are your next steps:

Step 1:


Step 2:


Step 3:


Step 4:


Client feedback

What if I can't attend the calls live?

Thats no problem! All calls will be recored live from Zoom and uploaded into the portal within 24 hours!

Do I pay a one of fee or are there any other payments?

No, you simply fee one joining fee and you will get access to all Sara's coaching workshops and upcoming workshops that she records bi weekly in the group.

Can I get personal coaching with you?

Sara will give you an opportunity to be have coaching on a live call if you show up live, you can ask any questions you have regarding self love, your personal empowerment

What if i forget there is a live call?

Don't worry! Sara will send you an email with an email reminder on the day, but if you miss it - you can catch the replays in your own time!

What will the weekly coaching calls be topics be around?

All bi weekly workshops will be centred around all topics relative to embodying more self worth and taking your power back.

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