1-1 Exclusive Life Coaching & Hypnotherapy Program

Life Coaching which combines a beautiful blend of personal growth, spirituality, healing modalities, tools and strategies, and conscious awareness, to move you forward, into.. a more intentional, heart centred and empowered version of you.

Does this sound like you?

You're repeating sabotaging habits that are holding you back in your life, but you don't know how to overcome them?

You are tired of just existing through life, not really knowing who you are, or what you really want, need or desire?

You know what you what changes you want to make in your life, but you simply don't know how to take that next foot forward?

You are feeling frustrated due to constantly being in a space of confusion, stress, & overwhelm, not knowing how to navigate through the chaos, but you're ready too?

Or maybe you lack the confidence and internal beliefs to make the changes nessasary to live a heart centred, intentional and purposeful life?

It's time to get out of your own way

Limiting beliefs about yourself and the world around you were created as a form of self protection - but now they create confusion, overwhelm, self doubt and imbalance, and when we are stuck in the mental blocks that keep us from moving forward, we can feel like we are just existing through each day, instead of living your life with intention, purpose and excitement.

The good news?

No matter how stuck, or lost you feel, the ability to heal, and evolve into the person you envision yourself to be - is already yours.

You are not broken, you are not incapable, and that fog that clouds your mind with worry and overwhelm is creating the way, for a beautiful new path that is emerging for you.

However far off your path you feel like you are, i want to lovingly remind you that..

You are exactly where you are supposed to be.

So take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, and become aware of all the choices you have available to you right now that you could make differently.

You don't have to have it all figured out, you don't have to have all the answers, you don't have to wait for everything outside for you to change before you do, you just have to take one intentional step forward..

What if things could be different?


Your chaos can be your greatest gift. Clear out the sabotaging patterns, beliefs and narratives that are limiting your growth, so that you can confidently take that next step foward towards clarity and purpose


What if you could go from feeling hopeless, disempowered, not good enough and with a mindset of 'lack', to feeling awake, integrated, confident and empowered? Your past failures and trauma hold a purpose, its time to seek the gold in those experiences to propel you forward to living your life with intention, joy, purpose and personal empowerment


This is the time for you to embark on a journey of self discovery. and self worth. To gain clarity on who you are, & what you want, need & desire from your inner and outer world, finally giving yourself permission, to take up space, so that you can live a heart centred, intentional and purposeful life

What does Life Coaching involve?

Life Coaching enables you to gain clarity on the directions you wish to take in your life, whilst also enabling you to identify and describe current problematic behaviours which may be holding you back, so that you can achieve your desired results.

A life coach enables you to take control of your life, whilst also holding you accountable, and encouraging you to to take action towards your goals.

Life coaching sessions are structured and focused on actionable strategies and visible growth.

Life Coaching encourages you to meet the outcomes that will bring you success and fulfilment in any and all areas of life

“Working with Sara has been an absolute pleasure. She is able to help you see things in a way that you couldn't before and find solutions through any problems or blocks you may be encountering. It's been a really empowering experience for me to know that there are better ways to think about people and events in my life so that I can free up my energy to concentrate on the things that really matter to me. Looking forward to a brand new life with less worry and more freedom..”

Ram UK


Are you aware that you often find yourself getting in your own way?

Does the life you really want seem out of reach and as though life is passing you by and you are simply existing and not living?

Do you feel hopeless about your future, and powerless to making your goals a reality?

Do you feel you have greatness inside you, but you feel fear even thinking about tapping into that potential?

If so.. you are in exactly the right place for transformation to occur.

The pain of your current experience can be used as rocket fuel to push you forward, don't believe me?

Some of the greatest societal and global changes for the better have emerged from pain.

Pain is a powerful motivator for change and transformation, if used correctly, & consciously


Are you ready for..

A deep exploration into your hearts deepest desires and purpose?

Support, accountability and tools to push you towards the most focused and empowered version of yourself?

A conscious and proactive journey to finally bridge the gap between where you are right now, and where you want to be?

If you've made it here.. I'm soooo excited to introduce...

The 1-1 Exclusive Life Coaching & Hypnotherapy Package

You will experience..

Improved productivity and focus

Improve time management and stress management

improved self confidence and self esteem

Improve communication skills

Better balance or harmony of work and personal life

Improved Emotional regulation and emotional health

Better mental clarity and improved mental fitness

Improve decision making skills, and resiliency

Improved coping strategies and healthy habits for managing stress

A deeper understanding into who you are, your identity and your core values

A increased ability to navigate change, uncertainty and fear

& so much more..

Here’s what you’ll get when you purchase the,

1-1 Exclusive Life Coaching & Hypnotherapy Package


x12 1-1 Coaching Sessions via Zoom

Your x12 one hour coaching session over the course of 12 weeks, or bi weekly if you prefer


Additional coaching via a secure messaging app Mon-Fri

This additional option makes signing up a no brainer! Not only do you get your x12 coaching sessions, but Sara is also on hand and available to you throughout the week if you require additional coaching in between sessions


All workbooks, meditations & coaching assignments included

You will receive all resources needed to help guide you through your transformation journey.

Knowledge has to be embodied and integrated in order for you to get results. Each week you will be provided with coaching assignments for integration and self discovery


x3 Hypnotherapy Sessions

Hypnotherapy is a great modality for healing subconscious programming around how you feel about yourself and your life. You can have hypnotherapy in any three areas of your choice


Your FREE Welcome Gift!

When you sign up to become an Exclusive 1-1 Client you will receive your FREE welcome gift in the post! This self love welcome gift will be sent out to your home address upon signing up with the Empowered Woman Association

"Sara is clearly passionate about her work. She has been unlike any other therapist I have seen and the results have been epic in my life. As well as meeting 1hr a week she has been available throughout the week for support when needed. I have had times where I just do not know how to deal with a situation and she has been there to guide me through my issues using self improvement techniques. It has not always been easy but what doesn't challenge you doesn't change you. She has given me the skills and confidence I have needed to face new challenges and address my fears that are preventing me from moving forward. We worked on childhood issues which had been effecting my confidence and creating a pattern of behaviours. The inner child work was incredibly moving and one I often go back to. It is hard to put into words how great the experience was. Sarah was always fully engaged in our meeting and never showed any sign of judgement, I felt immediately comfortable from the minute our consultation started 3/4 months ago. I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking change in their lives. I was at a low point when we first started and my relationship was under pressure due to my continued negative pattern of thinking. Sara was able to help me break this cycle and recognise the causes.

I am so glad I had the opportunity to be supported by her it is truly life changing and I am now looking forward to the adventures that the future will now bring"

Nicola Biggins UK

Hey there, i'm Sara, & I'm so glad you've stopped by!

I'm Sara, Founder of the Empowered Woman Association, Certified Self Esteem Coach, Certified Life Coach, Master NLP Practitioner, and Hypnotherapist

I started my personal development journey 15 years ago, in that time I've read over 90 personal growth books, invested thousands into my own healing, growth and professional training, taken myself on healing and wellness retreats and what i’ve realised as a result is - we all have greatness within us, but often times we get blinded by our own limitations and coping strategies, that we aren’t even aware of, and those limitations deter us from seeing ‘how’ to take the right steps forward.

Many people want to grow, they want to change, they want to live with purpose and peace, they want to take their power back and start living a more conscious, empowered and happy life - they just simply don’t know ‘how’.

That’s where I come in..

A conscious, empowered, and purposeful life is in your grasp, it always has been - it just took you until now, to realise it.

Fighting your way through the fog with no idea of how to navigate it, just simply won't do anymore..

You are worthy of more.

& your vision, is closer in your reach than you think.

The Empowered Woman Association specialises in Life Coaching with a foundational focus on self worth and personal empowerment, using NLP, Hypnotherapy, mindset tools and intentional strategies to bridge the gap between where you are right now, to where you want to be.

In my five years of being a coach, i have hosted my own self love event, appeared on BBC Radio and multiple local newpapers advocating for mental health and personal empowerment. I pride myself on the results my clients get and so, I only work with clients who are ready, willing and committed to their own growth and potential.

So, are you ready to raise your standards for yourself and for your life? Are you ready to escape the mental prison in you mind that is holding you back so that you can finally give yourself permission to take up space in this world and go after everything you want, need & desire? Are you ready to heal your coping strategies and create new one's that propel you forward? Are you ready to explore who you are, your identity? Are you ready to find your voice and take back your power?

If so, i lovingly invite you to join me on a three month emersion of healing, expansion, clarity, growth, & breakthroughs.

Here's What Comes Next..

Step 1

Complete the Application Form.

Click the 'Apply' button below, complete the application form & hit 'submit'. Tell me more about yourself, where you're at right now and what you feel you need support with. If it feels as though the Empowered Woman Association would be a good fit for you, my team will schedule a 'discovery call' together to see if working together feels like the right next step for you

Step 2

We'll have a Discovery Call.

This isn't a sales call, but more of a coffee chat (or a wine if you prefer!), where we will have a virtual meeting via Zoom. I want to make sure i can serve you and exceed your expectations, if it looks like i can, then i'll walk you through how i work and answer any questions you have about my mentorship and coaching containers.

Step 3

We'll define your new path together.

If this opportunity feels like a 'Hell YES Sara, IM' IN!', then we can move forward together. We can walk you through the onboarding process and get you signed up with the Empowered Woman Association and your first coaching call scheduled.

Working together, we will define your new path which is in alignment with your core values, we will overcome obstacles, and gain clarity and focus on bringing your ambitions to life, so that you can live your life with purpose, intention and personal empowerment.

If this doesn't feel like the right option for you, no problem! We are available and here to serve you to achieve your highest potential whenever you feel ready.

Have more questions?

Take a look below


Is coaching all online?

Yes, all coaching calls are virtual and done via Zoom. All other coaching throughout our time together is done via the Telegram app

How much support do I get during my three months working with you?

As well as your one hour session each week, (or bi weekly if you prefer) you will also receive additional coaching via Telegram Mon-Fri, throughout our three months working together. This option allows my clients to feel fully supported in between our coaching calls, consider me your 'coach on speed dial'!

I don't live in the UK, can I still sign up?

Yes, you can sign up from anywhere in the world! All you need is access to internet

Do you offer refunds?

We do not offer refunds, however you are able to cancel your coaching contract agreement prior to our first coaching call.

Your Title Here

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FAQ image

Will this work for me?

At EWA we do not guarantee results on any of our programs. It's up to you to put in the work and to implement action to break you through to your next level of growth - however, we believe that every single person who purchases our coaching packages can get the results they deeply desire by completing the process, whilst having accountability. The client has to be fully dedicated to the process and show up - to get results

More questions?

© Copyright 2023 Lou Ltd Trading as The Empowered Woman Association

All Rights Reserved.